Saturday, November 14, 2020

Friday, November 13, 2020

Friday, November 13, 2020 
Woodland hills and a couple baseball fields and a playground with swings, slides and other equipment are all part of this quiet park Dave and I have found near our new home. We have enjoyed walking the many trails criss crossing the hillsides.  The picture was taken November 7 when we were enjoying unseasonably lovely weather. Today, the 13th, is cold and snowy. 
Another sticker. :)

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Handmade stickers


 November 8, 2020 

 I am making stickers these days. I keep thinking up; noticing and hearing sayings that I could use for the stickers. Possible papers, and paintings catch my eye for backgrounds. 

Years ago, I bought a sticker maker on sale intending to use it in my classroom but never did find the time to use it in class. Now, being retired, gives me time to use it. It is a simple machine called a Create a Sticker, Max, by Xyron. I have been enjoying the process of creating some custom stickers. 

This sticker is from an acrylic painting that I made last year. I wondered if canvas would make an acceptable sticker material. So I tried it.  I think it works pretty well. I used one to stick to a plastic lamp and it is staying on quite well.

Just a few months ago, my friend, Carole sent me a text giving me the above advice. I wrote it down and used it on a sticker. The marker was a Tombow Fudenosuke. The drawing was done with Tombow water-based Dual Brush pens.

I like to use sayings from people that I love. It is more meaningful that way.

Sometimes I use scrapbooking paper. I have so much of it from years of scrapbooking.

Here is part of the painting canvas that I cut up. 

This one is for my granddaughter who shares the love of bugs with her dad. These are water bugs. 

My daughter made the background of this sticker. She was playing with acrylic paints and learning about color. She said I could use it for stickers.

My granddaughter is the perfect age to love friends to come over and play at her house. She just started school. That is what inspired this sticker.

So imperfect and hand-made. I don't want them to look like they came from a machine.

Someday I want to sell them. Don't know how yet.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

January 6, 2019 Sunday


Just thinking I should begin blogging again.

Sunday is a good day for blogging, maybe I will do a one sentence blog every day.  (When I limit myself to one sentence then I find many more things that I want to tell about. This helps with writer's block.)

So here is my one sentence. Dave is working and I slept until noon.

Now, there's much more to say. Like: drink lot's of water. (That is rather lame.)
So how about: Make your bed every day.   (Lamer)
Well, Have a great day today.
Love you. 😊

I will set two goals.
1. drink thirty two ounces of water to start my late day.
2. Do Laundry.

I will return to say I have done these things.

They are done.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Winter Home Early 2015 Illinois


Kevin and Dad in bright snowy driveway.

There is Dad. Shoveling! Someone take that snow shovel away from that man!

Wasn't it pretty?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Conservation Posters, Again

Here are more posters made by third graders in Wisconsin. January 2015
Honey Bees! This is what they make for us. Honey honey

Save Our Pollinators

Don't kill pollinators
Save Our Pollinators
Yellow and Black Hover Fly

Don't kill Pollinators


Third grade conservation posters

Hi everybody,

At school, I had the kids make some posters about saving our pollinators. At the library, I borrowed almost 25 books about bees and beetles and bugs.  Bats are important pollinators, too but I had not been thinking about that that day.
J. had a great big bee. Love it!!!

Maybe this will be the winning poster.

Notice the pollen floating in the air.

Protect the helpers.

Local Heroes- Your Hardworking Pollinators. Bee! A Hero!


This artist used water colors. Ladybugs are awesome!
These are for a competition and were sent to the judges yesterday. 

They die We die Protect Pollinators

Notice the eye on the bee! :)
Thanks for viewing. More posters next time.
Leave a comment if you want to.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Messy Experimental Journal Process

Hello Everybody!

 It has been a great Sunday. Relaxed and quiet. Laundry is in the washer and on the couch. 

Here are a few pictures of the progression of my journal page. It is a "get messy" page. Not meant to be a great work of art, but a fun, exploration of art materials.

Well, I am using Golden (which is the brand) Soft Gel Medium, Matte. See the gold glitter? I put the get medium over that and it still looks sparkly.

I really know that I need to study into how to draw a face. Mine is quite cartoony. I have a book: How to Draw Faces, on my Amazon wish list.  

I almost left the hair just like that. I like it, but love to do hair so worked on it for another 2 hours.

This was meant to be sort of playful and not a work of art but something fun to do and to "get messy" on a page.  By get messy I mean, take some chances and don't stay right in my comfort zone. The blush was a get messy addition. Her hair has about 6 or seven colors in it. This page is not really done. I want to give her some clothing. The tag is from a gift C. gave me. She combined some different tea leaves and put the tea in these huge tea bags, big enough to put in a tea pot, and put a Brene Brown quote on the back of the tag. The tea tasted lovely and I can't throw away the tags. 

Thanks for reading!! Any suggestions? Leave a comment.
Love you much!!!