Sunday, January 6, 2019

January 6, 2019 Sunday


Just thinking I should begin blogging again.

Sunday is a good day for blogging, maybe I will do a one sentence blog every day.  (When I limit myself to one sentence then I find many more things that I want to tell about. This helps with writer's block.)

So here is my one sentence. Dave is working and I slept until noon.

Now, there's much more to say. Like: drink lot's of water. (That is rather lame.)
So how about: Make your bed every day.   (Lamer)
Well, Have a great day today.
Love you. 😊

I will set two goals.
1. drink thirty two ounces of water to start my late day.
2. Do Laundry.

I will return to say I have done these things.

They are done.

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