Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Birdfeeders and unfinished journal page

This is the other bird feeder that E and A gave us. The birds seem to like it better than the other metal one they gave us.

This unique bird feeder was made by dad some years ago. It still works really well. It holds peanuts in the shell for chickadees and woodpeckers. 
We had a snow day today!! Hooray.  The reason for the snow day was not snowfall, but the intense cold. Kids could be hurt trying to walk to school. I just hope we do not have to make it up in the summer.

Here it is up close. Notice the moss growing around the base of it. I like moss.  It's pretty. And it was just too darn cold to stand there and wait for birds to light on the feeders to take a photo, but they were there in droves. Or flocks. Not herds.... There were an awful lot of birds. :)    Finches, Black Capped Chickadees, Downy woodpeckers, Goldfinches, Cardinals, Crows, Blue jays.

Notice the lichen on the top of the feeder.

This is a day to journal. So here is a beginning. Maybe I will show the finished product another day.

And I paired many socks today. And washed loads of laundry.
Book club tomorrow.
Thanks for commenting!! 

PS You know, I have never told anyone about this blog.  Funny.

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