Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year, 2015!

From Eric and Angela we got bird feeders. Here they are. Super well put together and made of metal!

And Dave got a book of Korean history from Cass. It is quite fascinating. It's written by scribes in the Chosun Dynasty. The scribes had to write whatever happened to the king. If they changed what they wrote they could be put to death. So once a king fell off his horse and he asked the scribe to not include that in the writing but the scribe recorded that he fell off his horse and that he asked that it not be recorded. How about living in a fish bowl! I'm glad I'm a commoner.

Another subject.😳 I just learned that George Washington Broth has MSG! Oh my! What MSG does is get the adrenals working too hard! But to add insult to injury I also just found out that Special K cereal has high fructose corn syrup and that works the adrenals extra hard for nothing also! Here I thought my Special K loaf was good for you!

I will adjust the recipe and find a decent cereal without high fructose corn syrup! Ugh. So, instead if George Washington Broth, I guess I will use any variety of Bill's Best vegan, gluten free seasoning.

Dave and I just watched The Rifle Man and Superman on television. During the five minute commercials Dave surfed a few other stations. One of them had Seinfeld.

In The Rifle Man the hero fought and won against evil in the form of selfish and cruel foes.  He also recited a quick synopsis of the book of Job to his son. This served to give both Rifleman and son courage for their upcoming trials. 
Superman rescued a man who was hanging on to a rope attached to a blimp that had come loose from its moorings. The man's life was saved. In contrast, witty and laughable as it is, in Seinfeld, you see weak grown men being happy when they have fooled their "friends". And they exhibit rude behavior meant to be funny, but for kids soaking it up, it concerns me. Kids under 8 years of age don't know what is real yet.  I can be too serious, but what kind of sincerity, honesty and integrity is modeled?  Consider the difference in messages each generation has absorbed after countless such examples.  By beholding what are the babies and children of today learning?

Also, I do not know how to answer any comments, so, otherwise I would. Sorry. But I will keep working on it.

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